Remote Education at THOA

Our commitment is to ensure that, in the event it is required, Remote Learning at Tenbury High Ormiston Academy offers personalised, challenging and aspirational curriculum opportunities for all.

This information is intended to provide clarity and guidance to pupils and parents/carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or groups) to remain at home. 

When remote education is required, it is expected that the work or lesson will last approximately 50 minutes, to allow for a movement and screen break between each session.  Lessons will begin at the usual start time. Work will be set in line with the pupils’ normal timetable. 

Key stage 3 pupils will be set work via Edulink.  This will be set on the ‘homework’ part of the platform. Instructions regarding submission of work (if required) will be part of the task instructions.

Key Stage 4 pupils will have live lessons for all of their subjects, following their usual timetable.  Pupils access the lessons via Teams.  The class teacher will ‘start’ the lesson and pupils will get a notification that the lesson has begun.  Pupils will be expected to fully participate in the lesson using a variety of methods which are not limited to targeted questioning and the use of the chat function to answer questions.

Expectations for pupils’ engagement with remote education:

  • Fully participate in lessons, completing all the work set, including all written tasks.
  • Pupils should take pride in the presentation of their work.

For Key Stage 4 specifically:

  • Turn off their camera and microphone and only turn on their microphone when the teacher invites them to do so.
  • Use the ‘raise your hand’ feature or chat function if they would like to ask a question or contribute to the lesson.
  • At the end of lesson, leave when requested

Expectations of parents and carers:

  • Guide pupils to follow their remote learning timetable for accessing learning. 
  • If a student is unable to access a live lesson or work, inform the class teacher via email or an Edulink message.
  • Encourage pupils to take pride in the presentation of their work and follow the expectations they are used to in the academy. This includes the use of blue or black pen, self-assessment in red pen, date written in full, underlined titles, best handwriting, graphs and diagrams in pencil.
  • Encourage pupils to complete all independent work to the best of their ability.
  • Pupils should be in a communal space in the home, not their bedroom

We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. We have ensured that our resources and learning can be accessed through a range of devices including mobile devices. However, if this is still a barrier please contact the academy.

We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils in the following ways:

  • The content of lessons continues to follow the curriculum pupils have been doing in the academy to ensure continuity. 
  • Pupils will be given clear verbal explanations and instructions during all lessons
  • Lessons will be chunked.
  • Appropriate scaffolding will be place for all pupils
  • Pupils will have the opportunity to ask questions during live lessons

For periods of prolonged closure, we would look to introduce live lessons for KS3 pupils.  We also will have assessment and feedback mechanisms for prolonged closure.  These are:

  • Feedback on tasks which have been submitted at the request of the teacher
  • Teacher modelling of exemplar work 
  • Teacher modelling of thinking. For example, a model of a plan, a calculation or a process.
  • Teacher focus on misconceptions during lessons
  • Low stakes testing such as quizzes, vocabulary test, labelling task etc
  • Teacher could direct a targeted question during a live lesson
  • Pupils can raise their hand during live lessons to as a question
  • Pupils can ask a question in the chat function during live lessons
  • Assessments where appropriate – this will depend on the length of a closure