
The information on this page is reviewed annually. The next scheduled review is 1st September 2025. If you have any feedback, please get in touch via the contact page on this website or call the main school number and ask to speak to our careers department.

Tenbury High Ormiston Academy’s current Careers Lead is the Principal (Mrs Vicki Dean) and our advisor is Mr Michael Hughes.  The academy’s careers administrator is Emily Hinton.

Pupils entitlement to careers education are set out in the Ormiston Academies Trust Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance Policy. The Academy has a planned programme of Careers Education, providing pupils with the knowledge, understanding and skills in order to make realistic careers decisions.

For any further information about the careers programme, please contact Emily Hinton at [email protected] 01584 810304

Careers Strategy Plan

Careers Education helps prepare our pupils for the opportunities and responsibilities of adult working life and, as such, has a vital contribution to the school’s aims of working closely with employers, Higher Education institutions and our local community. It supports pupils in the life-time experience of learning so they can make a positive contribution to the world around them. Through the careers curriculum, we ensure pupils receive support and guidance at key transition points. Referral systems (including diagnosis of needs) ensure that pupils requiring more specialist guidance can receive it from appropriate agencies. Our careers curriculum is accessible to all pupils, promotes diversity and provides pupils with the skills and knowledge to forge their own successful careers.

Ethos – The general aim of the Careers Education and Guidance is to help pupils to:

  • Know themselves better
  • Be aware of education, training and career opportunities
  • Make choices about their own education and training
  • Manage the move from school to new roles and situations.

The school offers:

  • Access to guidance
  • An opportunity for pupils to compile a personal record of achievements in around time spent at school
  • Experience of the world of work
  • Access to up-to-date sources of information about education and career opportunities available post-16
  • An opportunity for pupils to compile a personal action plan

Most staff are involved somehow or other in the Careers Education and Guidance programme as we believe this is the best way to provide a well-rounded education.

Careers Policy and Provider Access Policy


Careers Documents

Useful Links

Click here to see some useful careers links (pdf)
Worcester Sixth Form College – Preparing for Sixth Form Study
Worcestershire Apprenticeships Information Grid (pdf)

For more information please get in touch with:

Alex King
Enterprise Co-ordinator
Skills and Investment Team
Peoples Directorate
Worcestershire County Council
County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2NP
Tel: 01905 643507
Mobile: 07510 479103
Email : [email protected]