
The uniform for our pupils is as follows:

  • Black V-neck jumper, plain knit, with the academy badge and/or black blazer with the academy badge (blazers are optional but you must have either a jumper or a blazer).  You can buy a jumper with the badge already embroidered from Clubsport (either online or from the shop in Leominster) or you can buy a plain back V-neck jumper from a retailer of choice and buy a jumper badge to sew onto the jumper from either Clubsport or the Academy Reception Office.
  • Black trousers, shorts or skirts
    • Black Trousers – must be school style trousers, not leggings.
    • Black Shorts – must be school style shorts, not PE/sports shorts, and sit a few centimetres above the knee at the top of the knee cap.
    • Black Skirts – must be the David Luke Straight Skirt DL969 and sit a few centimetres above the knee at the top of the knee cap. Stretchy skirts are not allowed. The skirt can be purchased online or in the Clubsport Shop in Leominster or from other retailers.

  • White school shirt, can either be long or short sleeved, not open necked, with a top button and with a collar large enough to allow the top button to be fastened with a clip on academy tie.  Top button must be fastened and shirt tucked in at all times.
  • School ties can be bought from either Clubsport or the Academy Reception Office
  • Footwear must be substantive, black and polishable (suede is also acceptable).  The shoes must be totally black with a black sole.  The upper should be made of polished leather or polished synthetic material. Please note that the shoes should provide adequate protection for such subjects as Technology, Science, etc.
  • Black socks or tights.

KS3 pupils are not allowed to wear nail polish. KS4 pupils only may wear nail polish or gel nail varnish that is natural in colour: nudes, clear, very pale pink, French style manicure.  Nails must not be extended.  Acrylics are not allowed.  Nail art is not allowed.

Very light make-up may be worn by pupils in Years 10 and 11 only.

Pupils’ hairstyles must be appropriate to a professional/learning environment. No unnatural hair colours are permitted, or extreme styles which adversely affect the ethos of the academy.  The Principal or his/her representative will be the judge of whether or not a hairstyle is deemed to be acceptable.

No more than two ear-studs in each ear.  No other visible studs, rings or piercing adornments may be worn. Ear spacers are not allowed.

One ring may be worn. No necklaces, sweatbands or bracelets may be worn, other than one charity bracelet.

School coats must be suitably weatherproof. We do not allow hoodies or zip hoodies made of jumper material to be worn as coats, outerwear or as PE kit.

All clothing should be clearly named


PE Uniform Detailed Information

THOA PE Kit (can be purchased either online from Clubsport www.clubsport.co.uk or by visiting the shop in Leominster.

The following items are required branded items (with school logo):

  • THOA PE TShirt (Boys and Girls)
  • THOA PE 1/4 Zip Track Top

The following items are required unbranded items (without school logo):

  • Plain black leggings or plain black sports style shorts (black, unbranded with no motifs and not see-through).  Shorts must not be the lycra type cycling shorts or very short shorts (like Nike Pro).
  • Football socks (black) if students are wearing shorts or tracksuit bottoms
  • Sports Trainers (Black) – See example:
  • Football boots
  • Swimming costume/trunks
  • PE bag
  • Shin guards

The following items are optional items:

  • Plain black sports joggers
  • Mouth Guard (optional but recommended)

All PE kit can be ordered from ClubSport (non-branded kit can also be bought from other suitable retailers)

(all jewellery must be taken out for PE lessons – tape is not accepted.  Hair must be tied up and pupils must come to every PE lesson with their PE kit, even if they are unable to take part.)

NOTE: The THOA Scimitar Branded Sports Shorts, THOA Scimitar Branded Skort, THOA Scimitar Branded leggings and THOA Scimitar Branded ¼ zip top are no longer available to buy but can still be worn  (the PTFA still have some stock of Scimitar items which can be purchased – please email [email protected] for more information about this). 

NOTE: We understand there are occasions when children are unable to take part in PE. A note must be brought in from parents/carers to explain the reason and given to the PE teacher at the start of the lesson. PE kit must still be brought in.

Uniform will be checked daily upon arrival at school.  Incorrect uniform will be corrected at that time. Pupils with uniform matters that cannot be rectified at the start of the day will be given time to correct their uniform and this will be recorded on a uniform card.  Tutors will work with families to establish the barriers and issues around individual uniform matters.  Persistent breaches of the uniform policy, despite support and solutions provided, will be dealt with according to our behaviour policy.

THOA Uniform Suppliers:
9 South Street
Tel: 01568 616575