
Tenbury High Ormiston Academy follow the government guidance which can be found here: Departmental Safeguarding Guidance

Recent Guidance

We will continue to post here the most recent and important PREVENT guidance that we receive which will support us all (staff, parents, pupils).

Prevent at Tenbury High Ormiston Academy

You probably all know that the government has invested in the Prevent programme to try to protect young people from being radicalised. All staff working with children should receive training about it. Prevent is closely linked with the duty placed on schools to promote British values including teaching about democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs. We have a statement of British values on the website and we report to our Board of Governors on how we teach these values. British values are being promoted in school but it is important that all other pupils are able to demonstrate their understanding as well.

We have included teaching British values into our RE offer as Modern Studies and we promote it through assemblies and Guidance time activities, such as last term’s vote about the bombing of Syria. We recognise it is important for our young people to gain an understanding of other faiths and religions because we are not representative of the ethnic mix of many other parts of the country. We have to be aware of the risk of pupils being drawn into right-wing or single issue protest extremism. So we recognise our duty is to promote debate and curiosity to enable children to think for themselves.

The government has recently strengthened the measures in place to protect children in school by using filters on the internet and teaching online safety. We use the Worcestershire Local Authority and OAT filtering system which should filter out pornography, extremist groups and prevent pupils from using social media sites where cyber-bullying can take place in school. We also teach pupils how to keep themselves safe online in ICT lessons and in the extensive PSHE programme. The government has produced a guide to help parents keep their children safe online called ’Child Online Safety’ and the National Crime Agency site also offers help to parents and carers.

We all recognise that we need to know what our children are doing in the virtual world and ensure they keep themselves safe at home as well as at school.